Let's take an example scenario to explain the usage of Is Lookup in Dataraptor Load:
By using Is Lookup while creating a record in the dataraptor load, we can set its record type id in the dataraptor load itself without fetching it from the dataraptor extract. Let's see how to configure it:
In DataRaptor Load navigate to the Fields tab, where you will be mapping the fields to load into a record.
Add new mapping, as shown in the screenshot below:
Under the Default Value enter the name of the record type for the record that needs to be created.
Check the checkbox Is Lookup
Select the Lookup Object as RecordType.
Lookup Field should be set as Name as we have specified the record type name under the Default Value.
Lookup Requested Field should be set as Id as we need the Id of the Record Type
So, with the above configuration we can get the record type id by passing the record type name. Same way we can configure any lookup field.
Limitation: When two or more SObjects have the same record type name then we can’t use this configuration as we can’t guarantee which SObject’s record type id is returned.
why not use developer name which is unique so we can guarantee it will work