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Prefill customer Account and Contact data from database

ABC Insurance Corp is trying to get the opportunity from XYZ Consulting company to provide health insurance for all XYZ Consulting company employees. Sales User wants to track all the data as part of this opportunity.


1. Feel free to create fields if they do not exist in the system and also map them in the DataRaptors.

2. * - represents required field.

Task 3: Please find the hands on challenge for the above requirement (Continuation of 'Advanced level' tasks).

1. Reuse the OmniScript created in Task 1 on Advanced level. Add DataRaptor Extract before the Step elements to retrieve all the data from Account and related Contact object.

  • To acheive this requirement - Use DataRaptor Extract, Map the incoming field values with meaningful output JSON path values to prepopulate the data.

2. Add the output JSON path values from DataRaptor Extract into respective field's element name.

3. Allow the user to edit Account data.

4. Allow the user to edit / delete / add the Contacts using "Edit - Blocks" (Do not use DataRaptors for any DML in Edit Blocks. Use standard Edit - Block functionality to create / update / delete the records from UI as well as from database).


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