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Navigate the flow back from where it is launched in a community on Cancel and Close button

1. Create two community pages - One can be Home Page and one more custom page and link this custom page under a navigation menu tab by creating one navigation menu. Name the second commnunity page and tab as “Second Page“.

2. Keep an action to launch the OmniScript (Clone and reuse the OmniScript created in Task 1 of Advanced level) on both the community pages. The action can be placed on a FlexCard and include it on “Home” and “Second Page” community pages.

3. Cancel option should be enabled on the OmniSript. Also keep a button on the first step of OmniScript called Close at the centre of screen. Name the step name as per your wish.

4. On click of Cancel, once the user wish to cancel the flow, then the flow should be redirected to the page from where it is launched. For example, if the flow is launched from Home page, then it should navigate back to Home page by closing the flow, if the flow is launched from Second Page page, then it should navigate back to Second Page page by closing the flow.

5. Add the same functionality to the Close button as we have in Step 4.


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