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Implement validations for elements in OmniScript form

Add validations to an OmniScript form to check if the user has entered valid data in the form fields. If the user has entered invalid data, display an error message to the user.


a) Label: "First name"

b) Field placeholder text: "First name"

c) Field size: 255 alpha character

d) Required: Yes

2. SSN edit:

a) Label: "Social Security Number"

b) Field placeholder text: "xxx-xx-xxxx"

c) Format: #########

d) Validation: 9 numeric digits in the format above. Validation Message in red text: "Must be a 9 digit number (hyphens excluded)"

f) Required: Yes

3. Textbox:

a) Label: "Middle name (Optional)"

b) Field placeholder text: "(Optional)"

c) Field size: 255 alpha character

d) Required: No

4. Date Field:

a) Label: "Birth date"

b) Field placeholder text: "MM/DD/YYYY"

c) Format: MM/DD/YYYY

d) The system shall provide a date picker widget to assist the user in entering/selecting dates.

e) Validation: Needs to be a date in the past and needs to be greater than 18 years old. Validation message in red text: "Please enter a valid Birthdate. Note: Applicants must be above 18 years of age"

g) Required: Yes

5. Textbox:

a) Label: "Last name"

b) Field placeholder text: "Last name"

c) Field size: 255 alpha character

d) Required: Yes

e) Validation message in red text: "Please enter Last name."

6. Textbox:

a) Label: "Mother's maiden name"

b) Field placeholder text: "Name"

c) Field size: 255 alpha character

d) Required: Yes

e) Validation message in red text: "Please enter Mother's maiden name."

7. Email edit:

a) Label: "Email"

b) Field placeholder text: "Primary applicant email"

c) Format: email format

d) Validation: must be in an email format. Validation Message: "This email address format is invalid. Please use a valid email address Ex:

e) Help Text: "Placeholder help text"

8. Dropdown:

a) Label: "ID type"

b) Options:

i) Driver's License

ii) Passport

iii) State Issued Identification

iv) Military Identification

v) US Permanent Resident Card

c) Default value: "Select ID type" this is not a valid selection for the purpose of determining if all required fields have been populated.

d) User should be able to start typing and be brought to the specific matching options.

e) Required: Yes

f) Validation message in red text: "Please select an ID Type."

9. Phone number edit:

a) Label: "Phone"

b) Field placeholder text: "Primary applicant mobile phone"

c) Format: (###) ###-####

d) Validation: must be 10 numeric digits in the format above

e) Validation Message in red text: "Must be a 10 digit number (hyphens and parenthesis excluded)"

10. Dropdown:

a) Label: "ID state"

b) Options:

i) Use the default Salesforce state values. Create a picklist custom field in account object and refer in select element in OS.

c) Default value: "Select state" this is not a valid selection for the purpose of determining if all required fields have been populated.

e) State should be full state name

f) Required: Yes

g) Validation message in red text: "Please select an ID State."

11. Textbox:

a) Label: "Address line 1"

b) Field placeholder text: "Street address"

c) System should use the Google address search to populate address fields (Address 1, city, state, zip). May need an additional address search field

d) Field size: 255 alpha character

e) Required: Yes

f) Validation message in red text: "Please enter a Street address."

12. Date Field:

a) Label: "Issued date"

b) Field placeholder text: "MM/DD/YYYY"

c) Format: MM/DD/YYYY

d) The system shall provide a date picker widget to assist the user in entering/selecting dates.

e) Validation: Date can not be in future, should accept only current and past dates. Validation message in red text: "Please select a valid Date. Note, this date must be today's date or past date."

h) Required: Yes

13. Date Field:

a) Label: "Expiration date"

b) Field placeholder text: "MM/DD/YYYY"

c) Format: MM/DD/YYYY

d) The system shall provide a date picker widget to assist the user in entering/selecting dates.

e) Validation: Needs to be future date i.e., The date must be after today. Validation message in red text: "Please choose a date that is in the future"

g) Required: Yes

14. Textbox:

a) Label: "Address line 2 (optional)"

b) Field placeholder text: "(Optional)"

c) Field size: 255 alphanumeric char

d) Required: No

15. Textbox:

a) Label: "ID number"

b) Field placeholder text: "Number"

c) Format: 40char alphanumeric no special characters

e) Help Text: "Placeholder ID Number help text"

f) Required: Yes

g) Validation message in red text: "Please enter an ID number."

16. Textbox:

a) Label: "City"

b) Field placeholder text: "City"

c) Field size: 255 alpha character

d) Required: Yes

e) Validation message in red text: "Please enter a City."

17. Dropdown:

a) Label: "State"

b) Options:

i) Use the default Salesforce state values. Create a picklist custom field in account object and refer in select element in OS.

c) Default value: "Select state" this is not a valid selection for the purpose of determining if all required fields have been populated.

e) State should be full state name

f) Required: Yes

g) Validation message in red text: "Please select a State."

18. Textbox:

a) Label: "Zip code"

b) Field placeholder text: "ZipCode"

c) Format: #####

d) Validation: 5 numeric digits. Validation message in red text: "Please enter a 5 numeric digit Zip code."

f) Help Text: "Placeholder zip code help text"

g) Required: Yes

19. IP Address:

a) The system shall capture and store the primary user's IP address.

b) This field will not be visible to the user.

20. "Continue" button/link:

a) Clicking on the "Continue" button/link shall validate all of the information on the Primary applicant form

If any field fails validation, respective validation message should be displayed, and dislay a valid error message when user submit without filling required fields.

System should indicate which fields failed validation.

User will then need to correct all missing or incorrect data.

If all required data has been populated, the system should navigate the user to Applicant information review screen.

Comments (1)

14 Ara 2023

good content

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