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Create a customer account and contact using OmniScript

ABC Insurance Corp is trying to get the opportunity from XYZ Consulting company to provide health insurance for all XYZ Consulting company employees. Sales user wants to track all the data as part of this opportunity.


1. Feel free to create fields if they do not exist in the system and also map them in the DataRaptors.

2. * - represents required field.

As a sales user, I want to create customer accounts and all their employees in the system using a New Account button.

Task 1: Please find the hands on challenge for the above requirement.

1. Form creation using OmniScript elements.

Step 1 : Account data (Account information fields)

Step 2 : Contact data with repeatable blocks (Contact information fields).

a. Implementation of customer account information, create below input fields using OmniScript elements:

Name* => Text

Industry* => Picklist ==> Values ==> refer to Account.Industry field values.

Potential Prospect ? ==> Checkbox

Annual Turnover* ==> Currency

Expected Effective Date ==> Date

Email* ==> Email

Phone* ==> Phone

Agency ==> Type Ahead (Retrieve all the agencies and render them in the type ahead) ==> Lookup to account and agency/brokerage record type ==> create few records if not exists.

Number of Employees ==> Number

Contact Preference ==> Multiselect (Values : Email, Phone)

Company URL* ==> URL

Company Info ==> Text Area

Company Legal Document ==> File

Company Address Section ==> Address fields (Map to Billing Address fields)

Street, City, State, Postal Code, Country

b. Implementation of contact information. Create below input fields using OmniScript elements: (Use Repeatable Blocks - Do not use Edit Repeatable Blocks) standard repeatable blocks which should be visible at the time of new Account creation and user wants to create multiple Contacts at the same time.

First Name ==> Text

Last Name* ==> Text

Email* ==> Email

Mobile* ==> Phone

Is Primary ==> Checkbox

Date of Birth* ==> Date

Mailling Address ==> Address fields (Map to Mailing Address fields)

Street, City, State, Postal Code, Country

2. Create a validation, using messaging action to validate that the employee is at least 21 years old, based on their date of birth.

3. Validate that the user has not selected more than one ‘Is Primary’ checkbox in the contact information. This can be done using a Remote Action error, a Messaging Element, or by Set Errors.

4. Create a parent and child FlexCards to display preview of account information, contact(s) information entered by the user.

5. Store the input values entered on OmniScript form into respective objects (Account, Contact) using Integration Procedure and DataRaptors. Map each Contacts to Account while creation.


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